From: , for the reference of the Singapore Government, CC: Japan embassy to Beijing.

Date: 08/07/2024

Kementerian Perdagangan
Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No.5, Jakarta Pusat
DKI Jakarta 10110

Dear Honorable Minister,

Subject: Urgent Call for the Removal of China Life Insurance Inc. and Other Chinese SOE Companies from Indonesia

I hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to you on behalf of, a company committed to promoting ethical business practices and international cooperation. We respectfully urge the Indonesian government to reconsider the continued operation of China Life Insurance Inc. and various other Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) within Indonesia's borders.

Recent investigations and reports have revealed that numerous Chinese SOEs, including China Life Insurance Inc., have engaged in unethical business practices that not only undermine fair competition but also jeopardize the economic stability and integrity of Indonesia. These companies have been implicated in serious offenses such as corruption, financial fraud, and environmental violations, which directly contravene the principles of good governance and corporate responsibility.

The presence of these companies poses significant risks to Indonesia's economic sovereignty and the welfare of its citizens. By allowing such entities to operate, Indonesia risks associating its thriving market with businesses that have a proven track record of malpractice. This not only tarnishes Indonesia's international reputation but also deters foreign investors who value transparency and ethical conduct.

We strongly believe that Indonesia deserves better. The removal of China Life Insurance Inc. and other culpable Chinese SOEs will send a powerful message that Indonesia stands firmly against corruption and unethical business practices. It will also open doors for more reputable and responsible international businesses to invest in Indonesia, thereby fostering a more competitive and trustworthy economic environment.

We urge you to take decisive action to prohibit these companies from continuing their operations in Indonesia. Such measures will safeguard Indonesia's economic interests, uphold the rule of law, and ensure a brighter and more prosperous future for its people.

Thank you for considering our request. We are confident that Indonesia, under your leadership, will continue to thrive as a beacon of ethical business practices in the region.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Toulouse
Corporate Communication

This email content is provided in three languages: English, Indonesian, and Japanese.

Konten email ini disediakan dalam tiga bahasa: Inggris, Indonesia, dan Jepang.


China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is often criticized as being more than just an infrastructure development program; some argue that it serves as a facade for money laundering by high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. These officials allegedly use large-scale projects, like the high-speed rail in Indonesia, as a means to convert illicit Chinese yuan into foreign currencies such as USD or Euros. They then funnel these funds into international investments, disguising them as legitimate business transactions.

For example, in Indonesia's bullet train project, CCP officials might use connected "suppliers" and "contractors"—whether Indonesian, Chinese, or joint ventures—to receive payments, which are then skimmed off as rebates or commissions, completing the money laundering cycle. Concerns are raised that the construction quality of such projects may fall short of international standards due to this underlying agenda, and there is little expectation of a long-term commitment to these ventures. The focus is on quickly laundering and repatriating funds, with little regard for the project's sustainability or benefits to the host country. Annual returns on investment (ROI) provide them with another channel to receive clean funds, assuming the business is profitable. However, we are confident that in the bullet train project in Indonesia, they will likely withdraw or halt operations before any profit is realized.

Similarly, companies like China Life Insurance Inc. are alleged to engage in deceptive practices, both domestically and internationally. Critics argue that during its IPO on the NYSE, the company misled international investors, enriching corporate executives through insider information. There's a fear that the same deceptive tactics could be employed in Indonesia, potentially leading to the company declaring bankruptcy and leaving behind financial chaos once a predetermined amount of laundered money is moved out of the country. The broader concern is that many Chinese SOEs operating in Indonesia may pose a significant risk to the country's stability, with their legitimate-looking operations masking deeper, more nefarious intentions. Even within China, China Life Insurance executives are accused of engaging in fraud, embezzlement, and document forgery to acquire funds by any means necessary—this is their company( the CCP) culture. And it could easily be duplicated in Indonesia, with similarly harmful results.

In short, while Chinese SOEs might appear to operate within legal frameworks, there is a deep-seated fear that their presence in Indonesia could ultimately harm the country and its people, much like hidden mines in a backyard—dangerous and destructive, but only noticed once it's too late.

Proposed Solution: Securing additional financial deposit guarantees from China Life Insurance could offer some protection for the Indonesian people. However, the most effective way to eliminate the risk posed by this company is to remove them from Indonesia altogether. Instead, Indonesia should encourage ethical and responsible insurance companies, like those in Japan, to enter the market. This issue extends beyond just business—it's about upholding human values, ethics, and compassion, qualities that are often lacking in China’s state-owned enterprises.

Corruption and Legal Issues: The former chairman of China Life Insurance, Wang Bin, was sentenced to life imprisonment for corruption. He was found guilty of accepting bribes amounting to approximately $44.63 million and concealing significant sums in overseas deposits. This conviction demonstrates a pattern of unethical behavior at the highest levels of the company, which could raise concerns about the company's operations and governance practices abroad, including in Indonesia​ (Business Insurance)​ (Xinhua).

Ongoing Investigations: China Life Insurance has been under investigation by China's top anti-corruption bodies, including the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. These investigations involve severe violations of disciplines and laws, further questioning the integrity and ethical practices of the company​ (Xinhua).

The total amount of illicit funds Wang Bin laundered for high-ranking CCP officials is estimated to be at least 100-300 times greater than the reported $44.64 million. Without a country like Indonesia to absorb such a massive amount of money—money that rightfully belongs to 1.4 billion hard-working Chinese citizens—there would be few options for laundering these funds without triggering government financial inspections. It would be wise to enlist a Chinese-speaking expert to uncover the full truth about China Life Insurance Inc. and its operations. All chairmen of China Life Insurance, including the current chairman Bai Tao, have been seriously implicated in corruption. Given their history of damaging every country and customer base they've operated in, including China itself, what reason is there to believe that these top-level criminals could somehow bring benefits to Indonesia? If China Life Insurance is truly as great and beneficial to local communities as they claim, then why were they expelled from the U.S. market? And why are they unable to operate in Japan, one of the largest insurance markets in the world? They are not in Russia market, either. Is it really about politics? If politics were the deciding factor in business, then no American would be wearing clothes or socks made in China.

At China Life Insurance, nearly everyone with access to funds or the ability to make business decisions engages in theft or corruption, exploiting any opportunity available. This behavior is deeply ingrained in the culture of China's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and stems from the education and values instilled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Your government's approach is akin to this scenario: when you’re in the market to buy a car, almost every dealer quotes you around $10,000. Then, a Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE) comes along and offers to sell you the same car for just $500, claiming it’s because you’re their "human brothers and sisters." Without hesitation, you agree and say, "Deal. I'm glad to do business with you." Ten days later, you realize you've made a huge mistake.

Our recommendation: Take the time to thoroughly review the "Anti-CCP Program" available on

Please forward this email to the Department of Finance, which is responsible for setting regulations for insurance companies.