Addressing the Issue of Fake China Picture IDs and Solutions

In China, it is believed that numerous high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, SOE executives and their families may possess or have the ability to obtain fake picture IDs issued by the Chinese government or other unreliable (foreign government) sources. These counterfeit IDs facilitate potential future escapes and money laundering activities. To mitigate this issue, international governments could consider several solutions:

1. International Immigration Database Data Sharing:

Emulating the data-sharing practices of the Five Eyes nations (the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) could enhance cross-checking capabilities. Sharing immigration data across international borders would make it easier to identify and track individuals attempting to use fake IDs to cross borders.

2. Requesting China National ID for Cross-Check:

Suspects could be asked to present their China National ID (Shenfenzheng) for verification. While these IDs can also be falsified, comparing them against international immigration databases could still provide valuable information for verification purposes.

3. Social Media and Internet Exposure:

Utilizing social media and the internet to expose and verify identities can be effective. This includes checking for the presence of the individual online, such as videos, websites, and other digital footprints. Special attention should be paid to those with no digital presence. Associating the suspect's identity with known associates, neighbors and using biometric checks can further confirm their authenticity. Any lack of cooperation or discrepancies should raise red flags. Additionally, newly issued passports with no prior immigration records should be scrutinized more rigorously.

4. Restricting China Government-Issued Passports:

In certain cases, denying entry to holders of Chinese government-issued passports, or specific categories of these passports, may be necessary. Instead, temporary travel documents could be issued to those whose identities can be verified with 100% accuracy by AI systems. This measure would prevent the misuse of genuine-looking but fraudulent passports.

5. Requiring Deposits for Suspicious Travelers:

For further investigations, suspicious travelers could be required to make a deposit in the immigration & border control system. This deposit acts as a deterrent against lying or attempting to escape, ensuring that they remain in the system for verification and potential legal actions.

6. Request cooperation from the Chinese government for further investigation and identification. If they refuse to cooperate or provide fraudulent confirmation, flag the situation and deny entry to the individuals in question. Conduct thorough investigations into their financial networks, both within the jurisdiction and internationally. This approach significantly increases the likelihood of uncovering and seizing substantial amounts of illicit funds.

Implementing these solutions would require international cooperation, advanced technology, and rigorous enforcement to effectively combat the use of government-issued fake IDs by high-ranking CCP officials and their families. By taking these steps, international governments can better protect their borders and prevent illegal activities associated with fraudulent identification.

Law Enforcement Contact:



  1. 国際移民データベースのデータ共有


  2. 中国の国民IDの提示要求


  3. ソーシャルメディアとインターネットの露出


  4. 中国政府発行のパスポートの制限


  5. 疑わしい旅行者に対する保証金の要求


  6. 中国政府にさらなる調査と身元確認の協力を要請


