About Us
AlienPuppyHawaii is a platform where people can search for contract opportunities, research, bid and manage programs published by AlienPuppy Hawaii in various industries listed on the website. Business and government buyers and sellers can sign up and start posting bids and/or procurement information. Website: AlienPuppyHawaii.com is currently run by an earthly golden retriever puppy, also known as "Super Puppy Marley", with support from AlienPuppy AI Systems. Opt for DDE & Blockchain if you don't trust our puppies. Our puppies will tell you what the future of the earth looks like.

Alien Puppy? What a weird name! Could this place be a source for new converts to Christianity/Islam/Buddhism/Scientology/etc.? Does all credit go to the Democrats/Republicans? Did Jesus save them too? Can we sell them earth products? Are they coming to conquer us? Should we increase the defense budget? We know you have a lot of questions for us..
Our system tells us that many visitors land on this page (About Us) every hour. We thank you for your interest in us. We are nobodies who are too "nobody" to fight crimes committed by the CCP, and the criminals hiding in the New Zealand police, government agencies and the national administrative system. We are just a couple of nobodies with a few dollars in our pockets who might impress you if you work in one of the 7 industries we work in. You spent 3 minutes on us and you are still confused? If 3 minutes of web browsing could bring you something valuable, then there could be over a billions Earth people who are more successful than you, in the business games..
Just like the CCP, the New Zealand Police and the New Zealand Government, we are NOT LEGITIMATE. It does not matter. There are tens of thousands of good New Zealand people working for (and being used by) NOT LEGITIMATE entities because hard workers want bread and money and they have families. Reality vs. law. Reality usually wins. For more information on why the CCP and the Jacinda government is NOT LEGITIMATE, see the programs "fight CCP corruption" and "DirtyNewZealand". If you can find more information about why we are NOT LEGITIMATE, please make a website so the whole world can know. We appreciate your help in cleaning up the world as we do in China & New Zealand..
It is interesting that law and DDE (Double Deposit Escrow) are our strongest weapons and partnership bridges in the business. We assume that there are more devils on earth than in our world. Our mission is to bring unbreakable rules to your planet. With "AlienPuppyHawaii" you will never be cheated or robbed, or never be able to cheat or rob your buyers or sellers; you will never waste your precious time and cost of opportunities; you will never get a negative surprise or risks outside your business plans and settings. WHY??
Because: #1, we filter both buyers and sellers for you; #2, we use DDE & Smart Contract; #3 We know your business fields better than others because we do direct investment, R&D research and business activities in your fields by ourselves. We are not your agent; We are your partner..
AlienPuppy's Goal:
To create a $10 billion market and social value for every country within 20 Earth years: Japan, USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark..
AlienPuppy's Human Founders:
Marley knows nothing about them. All AlienPuppy A.I. knows is they are financially free, never needing to work again. They continue to work for our ally countries because they choose to. True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice.