Contact Us
Demonstrate your eligibility for DDE (Double Deposit Escrow) by either providing evidence directly or by arranging for your financial institution, insurance provider, or escrow service to reach out to us.
This may entail engaging with your local bank, a reputable surety service company, an established insurance firm, or a government-approved escrow service. It could also involve utilizing an online escrow service or a provider of "blockchain smart contracts" like or Whichever entity extends insurance coverage, issues a letter of credit, offers a performance bond, or facilitates escrow services on your behalf, ensure they confirm your association with them prior to our contact with you. For Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the United States, or Japan, our bank would initiate contact.

Your human-managed escrow service providers should reach out to us via phone, email, or other preferred communication channels provided by our organization.
AlienPuppyHawaii® suggests utilizing the escrow service provided by the Japanese government for DDE. It's known for its simplicity, affordability, and reliability. Covering transactions ranging from $1,500 to $1 million, their priority lies in ensuring your satisfaction, regardless of the transaction size. With a commitment to real law, justice, and fairness, which stands in stark contrast to the purported laws and enforcement agencies in New Zealand, including its judiciary. This distinction underscores why Japan maintains its leading position globally. Indeed, not all island nations are equal!

DDE, spanning from $1,500 to $1 million, holds significant weight. We strongly encourage human interaction, rather than solely relying on blockchain technology, for contact or in-person visits. Alternatively, demonstrate Cryptocurrency DDE readiness if direct contact isn't established before submitting your proposal or application. Your financial service providers or business guarantors likely possess more information about you than we do, aiding in fostering effective, professional, and profitable business relationships. We anticipate communication from your embassies and local government officials. Even individuals with modest means, like a broke high school student, are eligible to engage in business with us. It's simple: if you meet DDE criteria and possess $1,500 or more, we can collaborate for mutual growth. DDE and smart contracts represent pivotal advancements shaping the future landscape.
1, DDE is not mandatory for international government buyers engaging with AlienPuppyHawaii. Please refer to the "Aerospace & Defense" page for detailed information.
2, You might not need to proceed with DDE if your or our brokers, third-party purchasing agents, undertake DDE responsibilities on your behalf. Kindly verify with them regarding payment methods and DDE/non-DDE utilization before advancing any AlienPuppyHawaii program with us.
3, Why not engage with your embassy in Tokyo? They can facilitate business dealings with us through local DDE services. Earning money isn't simple. It's crucial: without DDE, you risk missing out on stable and profitable business opportunities from us. Forcing a DDE-ready supplier, with no contract breaches, to leave empty-handed is unethical. If you've been deceived by us, you have the right to seek retribution by any means and claim our DDE assets, as agreed upon in our signed contracts. Once more, your finances, assets, time, and efforts hold greater significance than our lives.
Brokerage is always encouraged. Encourage DDE-eligible suppliers to reach out to us, engage in negotiations, and you'll receive a substantial commission for any actions taken by you or them on our behalf. Revolving credit DDE options may be available, significantly enhancing your business prospects with us. Remember, if you don't inquire, you won't receive it.
Regarding "Contact Us":
1, We strive for efficient business operations.
2, We value our time more than yours.
3, Our procurement managers are proficient in your languages.
If you're DDE-ready, squandering your resources is unacceptable. Your work holds more significance than our finances or lives. If our managers err in any way, please convey your grievances to us at If our resolutions and subsequent actions fail to meet your satisfaction, we're prepared to cease operations. Thank you for contributing to our business endeavors.
Before arranging for them to contact us on your behalf, please ensure they are listed on our "Approved Escrow Service Provider List." Alternatively, you can directly email us with the information of your chosen AUTHORIZED internet/blockchain escrow/smart contract provider attached (you can search "smart contract" to find suitable providers). If you are not DDE ready, please refrain from investing your time in contacting us. We are currently updating the AlienPuppyHawaii program publishing system. For details on available programs that align with your interests, please send an email inquiry.
We are fully committed to adhering to your terms; however, it's imperative that we uphold the contracts mutually drafted, signed, and agreed upon by both parties. Embracing digital DDE/smart contracts is the future of business. We encourage you to explore "China's digital yuan" to align your understanding with Mr. Satoshi's vision.
The DirtyNewZealand program underscores the reality that anything can happen to ANYONE, including the mentioned criminals within the New Zealand administrative system and the New Zealand public, without DDE protection. The distinction lies in our management of an extensive supply chain, where we cannot afford to be caught off guard. For us, a business failure isn't unexpected if we can anticipate the possibility within the contracts we've signed.
Equal business and employment opportunities are paramount. Our sole objective is to generate mutual value for each other and nothing beyond that. As a buyer, ensuring prompt and accurate payment is our primary means of creating value for you. Should you require it, we can arrange for communication with the world's largest banks and blockchain-based DDE service providers on your behalf.
The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do. So if at first, you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything. And always remember, "A good reputation is more valuable than money." At AlienPuppyHawaii, we prioritize honesty, efficiency, and substance over flashy presentations. We are committed to delivering:
And DDE (Dual Deposit Escrow/Smart Contract) can fulfill all the requirements and conditions we have for EACH OTHER. Effective deals generate value, EFFICIENTLY. The only question is, "Do you know what you want? And are you professional and experienced enough to attain your desires in the marketplace?"
You're expending your valuable time needlessly if you fail to grasp the significance of LIFE, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, LAW, FAIRNESS, HUMAN SOUL & DIGNITY to Homo sapiens. Prior to reaching out, we suggest watching these movies:
1, "The Banker" (2020), starring Samuel Jackson. This movie offers insights into how to conduct business with us.
2, "Swordfish," starring John Travolta. This movie, along with the perspective of NZ police & judges, emphasizes that remaining incarcerated means being a nobody. To gain support from NZ Law, Justice, AlienPuppyHawaii & KOMO, one must work seamlessly and effectively with others. NZ Police & Judges criminals may still roam freely because individuals fail to assert themselves effectively.
3, "Law Abiding Citizen," starring Gerard Butler. This film delves into concepts of "law," "justice," "the human soul," and "an eye for an eye." Are you seeking solutions for the public? Do you desire compensation for pursuing your passions? Collaborating with us presents an opportunity.
After your initial contact with us:
Step 1: Conduct research on "smart contract," "blockchain," and "dual deposit escrow" online, perhaps by visiting websites like If you prefer, you can also inquire with your local banks regarding the DDE services they offer. It's crucial to verify each other's DDE eligibility; we understand the importance of avoiding situations where one party commits to a transaction beyond their financial capacity. Wasting time is unacceptable for both parties, but fortunately, DDE serves as a safeguard against such issues. We tailor our program offerings specifically to your expertise once we understand your field and your identified needs. If someone has directed you to visit our website or indicated an interest in doing business with us, feel free to submit your proposal for ANY products or services you offer. You might be surprised to learn that we also hire individuals for tasks such as dog walking or tennis playing. While the information available on our website is limited, you can still discern our business objectives and requirements. Therefore, your business proposal to us should align closely with our core objectives before our business discussions commence.
Step 2: If you're not interested, depart with the satisfaction of having made a new friend with AlienPuppyHawaii. If you're highly interested, great! If our programs appeal to you, you can prepare a proposal video (under 15 minutes) or document, which will serve as part of our contract's final version. Your video can include screen captures or simple product/service introductions and explanations. We require both written materials and videos. We are confident that we have job opportunities or business ventures suitable for your skills if you are indeed who you claim to be.
Step 3: Technical analysis and negotiation: We will draft a contract and agree upon the terms of the AlienDDE© contract with both your DDE service providers and ourselves. You will dictate the rules within the contract, and we will gladly adhere to them. The AlienDDE© contract APP and/or the equipment provided by us can be utilized. AlienHardware® is not strictly necessary for unclassified contracts.
Step 4: Commence our collaboration. Rest assured, when you engage with us, you won't lose a single cent. However, failure to honor the contracts you sign results in loss of both time and money for both parties.
Note: Your message will be automatically deleted if you fail to prove your DDE readiness or willingness to work with us on DDE during your initial contact. You've visited our website because you anticipate business opportunities with us, and vice versa. However, if you're unable to discern our needs, offer what we require in exchange for payment, or submit an effective K.I.S.S. proposal detailing your quote, in writing and/or in demo video form, then we are not suited to do business and grow together. Do not waste your time on us. To us, wasting your time and leaving you with an empty pocket is unacceptable.
A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying. The more failures you experience with us in AlienPuppy programs, the greater the financial rewards, trust, and friendship you stand to gain from us, and the more successes you should anticipate in the near future. Our most valued allies and strongest defenses today are the suppliers and customers engaged in a DDE relationship with us. In theory, 100,000 readers of the Alien Puppy website are not as effective, problem-solving, or valuable as just one new DDE supplier recommended by our DDE partners. It's no wonder that world history is often shaped by only a few individuals of faith.
In New Zealand ( just don't forget China), firepower is often equated with justice, and the shooting range is considered a place of truth. Government felons such as Kris Faafoi and Andrew Coster, along with fabricated politics, can transform an ordinary elementary school teacher into a figure akin to Gerard Butler's character.
What would you say if we revealed that your government, military, citizens, or even your families support our cause? Go ahead, inquire with them. Remember, you won't receive unless you ask. Clarity is kindness; ambiguity is unkind. Please refrain from contacting us if you're unwilling to meet with AlienPuppy's assistants in person. AlienPuppy's purchasing managers are based in your area and eagerly anticipate collaboration.
AlienPuppy, Not Your Average Puppy!

One good thing about music and our email, when they hit you, you feel no pain.
Please note:
All email communications sent to/from official AlienPuppyHawaii® email addresses are legally binding and our responsibility.
Be cautious of emails from non-official AlienPuppyHawaii® addresses, as they may originate from global partners or unknown individuals, including criminals associated with the illegitimate New Zealand government.
Your communications with us over the Internet, including personal email messages, may be accessible to the public and legitimate governments.
For security:
Avoid sending confidential information over the Internet.
We only accept encrypted transmissions via AES DoD 1024, Blockchain III, military data link, and future quantum communications, generated by authorized AlienPuppy OS systems.
For online meetings:
You can use the platform, or AlienPuppyGlobalCom for video meetings and teleconferencing.